Study Association Complex
Study Association Complex is the study association for all psychology students in Tilburg. Complex organises both study related as relaxing activities. With approximately 1600 members, Complex is the third largest study association of Tilburg University and the largest within the faculty of TSB (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences). When you are a member of Complex you receive discounts on books, summaries, exam trainings and you will get to know many other psychology students!
Next to that, you can participate in all activities and there is a possibility to become an active member by taking part in a committee. We also organize many activities throughout the year. These can be subdivided into activities that accompany your study, such as our annual seminar, symposia and the study trip. We also organize activities that are relaxing such as the theme parties, cantuses, the introduction camp and much more! Take a look at our agenda for an up-to-date overview of all activities that will be organized this year.